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prensa androide

punks de ciencia ficción y fantasía

Nuestra historia

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The following android punks are independent editors who find authors with works they're passionate about and guide them through to publication with Android Press. This crew puts a lot of time, love, and care into curating stories and working with authors to develop and prepare the work we publish. Editors are listed alphabetically by last name.

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Robin Rose Graves (she/her), Editor

Robin Rose Graves is a scifi fan first and a human being second. Her writings have appeared in Star*Line Magazine, Simultaneous Times Podcast and West Coast Weird Magazine. In her spare time, she raves about her recent reads on her BookTube channel, The Book Wormhole, and is a frequent contributor for the Galactic Journey.

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Somto Ihezue (he/him), Editor

Somto is an Igbo writer, filmmaker, and editor based in Lagos, Nigeria. His works have appeared and are forthcoming in Tordotcom, Fireside Magazine, Cossmass Infinities, OnSpec Magazine, Flash Fiction Online, Omenana Magazine, and elsewhere. He lives with his sister, their dog, and their cats, Ify and Salem. He is also an associate editor at Cast of Wonders and Jembefola Press. He can be found on Twitter @somto_Ihezue where he tweets about his bi-monthly quarter-life crisis, among other things.

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Coral Alejandra Moore (she/her), Editor

Coral Moore has always been the kind of girl who makes up stories. Fortunately, she never grew out of that. She writes character driven fiction, and enjoys conversations about genetics and microbiology as much as those about vampires and werewolves. She has an MFA in Writing from Albertus Magnus College and is an alum of Viable Paradise XVII. She has been published by Lightspeed Magazine, Diabolical Plots, and Mermaids Monthly. She loves aquariums, rides a motorcycle, and thinks there is little better than a good cup of coffee. In her most recent venture she is the co-editor and co-publisher of Constelación Magazine, a bilingual speculative fiction magazine publishing stories in Spanish and English. Find her online at:

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Android Press, LLC es una pequeña editorial que publica ciencia ficción, fantasía y los diversos subgéneros -punk. Nos encantan las historias llenas de esperanza y optimismo. También nos encantan las historias que sirven de espejo a nuestra sociedad y nos obligan a reexaminar nuestro pasado y nuestros valores para avanzar y construir un futuro mejor.


Nuestro primer proyecto, Solarpunk Magazine , es una publicación bimensual de ficción, poesía, no ficción y arte que se encuentra actualmente en su fase de financiación colectiva y lanzará su primer número en enero de 2022.

También publicamos novelas, cuentos, antologías y colecciones de cuentos.  

En Android Press nos enorgullecemos de la atención que brindamos a los autores con los que trabajamos. No somos una fábrica editorial que produce tantos libros como sea posible. Seleccionamos cuidadosamente el trabajo que publicamos, y solo publicamos una cantidad limitada de títulos cada año para que podamos concentrarnos en brindarle a cada autor el tiempo y la atención que ellos y su trabajo merecen.

Android Press tiene su sede en Eugene, Oregón.

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Leon Perniciaro (he/him), Editor

Leon is a writer, editor, translator, and part-time university professor, teaching courses in game design. He is the editor of Haven Spec Magazine and the fiction editor of Utopia Science Fiction Magazine. He is also a member of The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and the Codex Writers' Group. Originally from New Orleans, he now lives in New England, where he's terrified of both the climate crisis and the Great Filter. Follow him on Twitter @LeonPerniciaro.

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